invision air
brand identity
Designing an Identity for India’s first luxury private jet service whilst building a story of sustainability and balance that reflected the group company’s vision of helping restore equilibrium on our planet .
Entrepreneur Vinit Phatak approached us to create an Identity for their latest venture Invision Air, India’s first luxury private air taxi service. They were also launching an initiative called Invision Green.
The group company and its new ventures both needed a clarified vision, an architecture and branding.
Our design process started with a vision and brand architecture exercise. Primary to the group company’s vision was the concept of a balanced world; and a vision to help rebuild equilibrium on this planet, on every level.
While Invision Air was about luxury private air travel. Invision Green was a product that helped track and balance carbon footprints through its products and services; helping individuals and companies be responsible and develop sustainable, eco-friendly strategies.
The architecture helped define the way the brand marks needed to play out, and while the the group company mark was at the helm - and embraced the larger vision of a balanced world, the design concept had the required play to be successfully recast across a luxury private jet mark, and a 'green' company mark.
The Invision Air brand mark and Identity was extended across a number of user touchpoints, the smallest being a tie pin and the largest the aircraft itself.
The architecture helped define the way the brand marks needed to play out, and while the the group company mark was at the helm – and communicated the larger vision of a balanced world, the design concept had the required play to be successfully recast across a luxury private jet mark, and a ‘green’ company mark.
The Invision Air identity was extended across a number of user touchpoints, the smallest being a tie pin and the largest the aircraft itself.